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DAS Work+Health

C5: Occupational toxicology


This module is fundamentals of toxicology and is divided in two parts: chronic toxicity of chemicals used at work (part I) and acute toxicity (part II: Hazardous materials training, HAZMAT).
Fundamental toxicology describes the disposition of a compound within the human body. This module focus on how contaminants enter the human body (absorption), behave inside the body (distribution), transform (metabolism) and are eliminated. Common toxicological considerations such as calculation of internal dose and interpretation of human variability are also discussed.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME) and the parameters influencing ADME
  • Retrieve and link absorption to metabolite formation and internal dose
  • Understand organ toxicity such as neurotoxicity, hematotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, pulmonary toxicity and reprotoxicity
  • Give examples common chemicals used at the workplace and their organ toxicities
  • Manage HAZMAT-events (AHLS)
  • Treatment of acute intoxications in first aid settings (AHLS)


  • Basic principles of toxicology
  • Source of exposure and effects of the main toxic agents in the workplace in Switzerland
  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic chemicals
  • Principles of regulatory toxicology
  • Toxicological data bases for work and health specialist
  • Official hazmat life support course (AHLS), including international certification
  • Poisoning treatment paradigm, including specific Antidotes (AHLS)

Dates and location

Part 1: 06.03.- 06.06.2024 in Lausanne 

Part 2: 06.13.-06.14.2024 in EAZ Schwarzenburg (AHLS course)

Registration Deadline



CHF 4,250.–