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DAS Work+Health

OM: Occupational Medicine


This specialization is dedicated to all colleagues with a background in human medicine and an interest in contributing to health at work. Participating in our DAS Work+Health will train you as a work and health specialist and give you skills you can share and apply with other work and health specialists for the benefit of the entire workplace.

What is Occupational Medicine?

Occupational medicine is a medical specialty with the mission of preventing harm caused by work and promoting health at work with both a population-wide and an individual approach. The aim is to keep people healthy at work – physically and mentally.

This includes

  • Evaluating and diagnosing health hazards in the workplace
  • Advising companies and organizations on improving workplace safety and preventing occupational injuries and diseases
  • Recommending appropriate interventions and adjustments in the workplace to help people with health problems stay at work
  • Ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, including minimizing and eliminating work-related health hazards
  • Engaging in target-orientated interdisciplinary cooperation with other specialists in the field of work and health

What are our DAS Work+Health graduates able to do after successful completion of the course?

  • Survey the occurrence of and reasons for occupational diseases and work-related health problems
  • Detect work-related health hazards and propose, organize and evaluate appropriate interventions
  • Advise individuals and organizations in the prevention of work-related health problems
  • Work together with other specialists in the field of work and health as an interdisciplinary team, e.g. with occupational hygienists, occupational health managers, occupational nurses

Our vision

  • Keep people healthy at work
  • Make occupational medicine services accessible to all workers who need it
  • Detect and eliminate injuries and health problems caused or aggravated by work
  • Improve and maintain health at work by forming a team of occupational physicians and other work and health specialists, including workers and employers

Our mission

We are calling on practitioners to join an interdisciplinary team to study work and health, share skills and expertise, and form a life-long partnership and network in the evaluation and prevention of occupational health hazards.

Weiterführende Informationen

OM1: Occupational diseases and work-related health problems

OM2: Work ability and return to work

OM3: Prevention and control of occupational risks and diseases

OM4 / OH4: Interdisciplinary disaster management

OM5: Management of health in organizations
