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DAS Work+Health

OM5: Management of health in organizations

Module Description


In this module, participants learn to manage work and health activities and define key health indicators.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Select and implement an absence and case management system
  • Design and implement a health campaign/event to foster individual health behavior change
  • Write a health report for an organization
  • Integrate organizational health as a central value in the culture of an organization


  • Management of absences, presenteeism
  • Case management
  • Approaches to changing individual health behavior, health promotion campaigns
  • Quality criteria, success factors and sources for health campaigns
  • Stress management approaches
  • Development of health-related mission statements
  • Outline and elements of a health report for an organization
  • Management of an occupational health service

Dates and location

09.15–09.18.2025 in Zurich

Registration Deadline

08.15.2025 - Only few places still available!


CHF 2,720.–